中集宜客通零部件有限公司(“中集宜客通”)依托中集集团的强大资源优势,提供集装箱配件、新旧集装箱、车辆配件和物流工具等各类产品,广泛服务国内外客户。 中集宜客通前身为天津中集托管的中集零配件服务业务中心,于2003年投入运营,发展十几年来积累了丰富的国内外市场以及产品资源。公司于2019年3月在上海正式成立,注册资金为一亿元人民币。
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Copies are temporary substitutes. Please sort them out and provide them.
Copies are temporary substitutes. Please sort them out and provide them.
Copies are temporary substitutes. Please sort them out and provide them.
Copies are temporary substitutes. Please sort them out and provide them.
Copies are temporary substitutes. Please sort them out and provide them.
Copies are temporary substitutes. Please sort them out and provide them.